Limerick Forest
I returned once again to Limerick Forest for a winter Open House organized by the Friends of Limerick Forest. Happily, I have a friend who lets me know when these events are scheduled, and I always enjoy attending. The Open House features horse-drawn rides, hot dogs that you can cook over an open pit fire, exhibits in the Interpretive Centre, and of course use of the trails for walks or, in my case, photography. There are several trails, none terribly long or difficult, a lookout area, and a boardwalk. As usually is the case, I arrived a bit before the “official” start time, and headed for the trails, stopping to shoot interesting things as I came upon them. A bit after noon, I returned to the Interpretive Centre at the entrance to link up with my friends, who had each arrived when it was convenient for them, and we left for a late lunch together in a nearby restaurant. Always nice to mix friends and photography and good food!