Rideau Station. I took this shot while waiting for our group to assemble at the meeting location. It has a strong diagonal set against a contrasting background.
Tremblay Station. I was intrigued by the repetition displayed in reflecting panels of part of an art installation by Jyhling Lee entitled National Garden.
Tremblay Station. It was a bit difficult to get a clean shot of the components of the art installation by Jyhling Lee entitled National Garden. I took this shot knowing that some minor distractions could be removed in Photoshop.
Tremblay Station. Rather than photographing the LRT train directly, I saw a puddle and chose to work with its reflection instead. I’ve only left a sliver of the train at the top to give context to the photo.
St-Laurent Station. I saw the creative way the architect had arranged the overhead lights at odd angles and thought there were abstracts to be found. I’ve used Photoshop to remove electrical wires and simplify the background.
St-Laurent Station. The windows of the station created interesting double reflections of the lighting outside. I’ve made use of that together with the arc of clouds in the background.
St-Laurent Station. In the eyes of a photographer a simple handrail and its reflection on the wall can be a thing of beauty (as least I think so). I’ve intentionally shifted the white balance for creative purposes.
Blair Station. Artwork at the station, entitled Lightscape by Catherine Widgery, suffered from the overcast day. I chose this part of the installation for its clean background, and added some light with Photoshop later.
Blair Station. Metal chairs at the station and some earlier rain provided the raw material for this shot. I just need to look around and see the possibility.
Blair Station. Basically, just horizontal and vertical lines. The blue horizontal lines were on a glass partition, and some unknown person kindly provided the vertical lines in the form of legs.
Rideau Station. The colourful lines of the doors to an elevator, with a bit of rotation, led to a very graphic abstract composition. I took many shots of this elevator but find this the strongest one.
Tunney's Pasture Station. The blue sky reflecting on this beam drew me to this shot. The yellow is also a reflection off something. All that remained was to walk around to find the ideal angle and click the shutter.