Mud Lake
The Nature Group of the RA Photo Club organized an outing to nearby Mud Lake and surrounding area. Mud Lake, also called the Britannia Conservation Area, is one of the things that makes Ottawa such a nice place to live. It is surrounded on three sides by Ottawa residential neighbourhoods and is separated from the Ottawa river to the North by a narrow strip of land. On the day we went the outdoor temperature was approximately -20 Celsius, so it was essential to dress for the cold, which I was. In fact, as the morning wore on and the temperature rose slightly, I found the need to delayer my clothing a bit, so as not to overheat. I arrived a bit before 8 am and set out on the trail that follows the perimeter of the lake. To be honest, I didn’t find much of interest to photograph on this trail, although I enjoyed the walk in the quiet forest. For me, photography is more than just taking photos – it is also an incentive to explore my world, and in this case to soak up the serenity of Nature. But I did take a few photos on my walk, and I ventured out onto the surface of the frozen lake to take some photos there as well. As I completed my loop around the lake, I finally encountered other members of the photo club, having passed only a single bird watcher on the trail, and was directed to other photo opportunities along the nearby Ottawa river. This is where I found more interesting subjects, and I spent considerable time there, being mindful of the proximity of the open water. As the morning drew to a close, I joined the group for lunch at a nearby restaurant, where I could enjoy the warmth of the surroundings and the camaraderie of my fellow photographers.