The graffiti caught my eye along with the yellow/blue contrasting colours. I sought a composition where the graffiti and the smudge of black paint, and the areas of yellow on the left and right boarders were balanced in the frame.
Found on the side of a dumpster. The green “E” stands out on the contrasting background of orange/red, and the sweeping strokes of white add dynamism to what would otherwise be a static image.
This shot is mostly about texture and the arrangement of door hardware in the frame. Spots of yellow on the mostly blue background provide points of interest for the eye to rest on.
We speculated that the owner of this garage might have been a photographer or other artist since the yellow/blue contrast seemed so dramatic and intentional.
Electrical cable coated in ice, which I’ve flipped horizontally and vertically. The main subject is the texture of the central ice crystals which are more easily visible with the dark cable in the background.
The strong orange elements attracted me to this shot, and I’ve tried to balance them in the frame along with the two strong verticals formed by the conduits. The darker paint at the bottom also helps to balance the strong orange above.
This shot is mainly about texture. The silver door hasp provides a center of interest, and I’ve arranged the two missing door boards at the bottom to balance the square door pane at the top.
Here, I’ve juxtaposed the flowing, organic lines of the vine against the rigid, rectangular geometry of the brick wall. Clumps of berries and one remaining leaf provide other elements for the eye to discover.
An interesting door detail, featuring an orange/blue colour contrast and a pattern of wear that the mind understands as resulting from many years of use.
Horizontal and vertical lines with bright orange on the door arranged to balance with the strong green on the right. The silver door hinge serves as a center of interest as well as pointing into the frame.
I arranged this shot to balance the vine and the prominent wood knot, and likewise to balance the vertical and horizontal boards. Thematically, it’s about the decay of the unnatural, and return of the natural.
This is part of the structure that supports a canvas roof over an outdoor market in warmer seasons. I was determined to find a shot and eventually came up with this angle, that features the center support within an arrangement of opposing diagonals.