I enjoy the angularity and prominent edges of these ice crystals. As usual, I took several shots to explore different compositions. This is the composition I find most pleasing.
These ice floes on the Ottawa River had very attractive blue and yellow hues. I chose a composition with the intent to balance the colour contrasts and the shapes of the ice.
I was seeking a very graphic shot here, using the crack in the ice as the dominant element. The high contrast of the crack in the lower right foreground attracts the eye. From that point, the crack brings us to the circular shape at the upper right.
I love colour contrasts, particularly blue and yellow. Here, the underlying ice is yellowish while a layer of snow catches the sky's blue hue. The shape of the snow mound is also echoed in the ice.
The tree grabs the attention, but there is also a blue/yellow colour contrast that divides the frame. The calm blue with the tree contrasts with the energy of yellowish tumult.
I noticed that the spray of water caught the light. So I took several shots seeking the most attractive spray. The energy of the spray is set against the calm blue of the background.
I found the "V" shape of the ice on the right and the water on the left interesting. Arguably there might be two shots here.
There are some nice diagonal lines in this shot formed by the ice cavity and the shadows. I particularly like the soft flowing shapes and texture of the snow.
I put some work into this shot in post processing to balance highlight and shadow. I also sought to enhance the texture of the ice formation.
These shapes in the snow caught my eye and led me to make this shot. Notice the contrast in texture between the shapes and the snow.
Ice crystals affixed to a handrail. The ice forms interesting shapes that contrast with the rigid lines of the handrail. The diagonals in the background add to the shot.
Tumult in the water set against soft flowing lines in the snow. The natural yellow of the water adds to the sense of energy, while the cool blue of the snow evokes serenity.
Here we have three layers. The brown rock serves as background. The yellow rushing water provides a foreground. But the main subject are the ice formations on the intermediate strip of snow.
The snow that coated the trees together with the soft light enabled this shot. It always pays to look around.
My friend pointed out the circular ice floes. Here, I've positioned them on the diagonal at the lower left. I've used the cascade of water at the upper right to point towards them.