Site 2. A view of the dune and surrounding forest.
Site 2. Fence and signage intended to protect the ecologically sensitive area.
Site 2. I'm always on the lookout for interesting tree fungus. This photo was created using a focus stack.
Site 2. Another photo of tree fungus. This is a composite of 18 focus stacked shots.
Site 1. This site most closely paralleled the experience of being at a beach. But it was surrounded by forest rather than water.
Site 1. I'm always drawn to backlight and colour contrasts.
Site 1. Nature's paintbrush, powered by the wind.
Site 3. I love the layers and combination of verticals and horizontals in this shot.
Site 3. A wider angle view of the area. I was probably on my knees, shooting through the protective fence.
Site 3. These mushrooms were little more than an inch high. Shot handheld while lying on the ground.
Site 4. I so love backlighting! The main challenge here was finding something suitable for the foreground.
Site 4. A wider angle shot to show the area. My shooting location relative to the electrical tower was of course very deliberate.
Between sites 3 and 4. On the way back to the car, I came upon this natural obelisk in the forest.
Site 3. A final shot before packing up and heading out to meet up with the others for ice cream.