I have begun experimenting with Still Life photography. This was another longstanding interest, but it took a second lockdown to spur me to action. It meant buying some more equipment which took a while to arrive. It also meant a few more learning curves which took time and will be ongoing. This is a distinctly different style of photography than what I have done before. Previously, I encountered subjects as I wandered around, whether in a forest or a city. The main effort in the field was to work with the light and the angles I was given. Back home on the computer, I mostly strove to give my processing a natural look. But now, I choose the subjects and the light. I also choose the surface the subjects rest on and the background. Since the scene is contrived anyway, I give myself permission to process for more drama. For my initial foray into this genre, I was limited to whatever I could find in the house. But I think I'll be looking at second-hand stores with new appreciation as we emerge from the pandemic.