This shortcut across the ice from the opposite shore shows heavy use. But I doubt that it's safe this late in the season.
The trail we followed was easily wide enough for skiers to pass one another. There were hints of ski tracks remaining, but most of the snow had melted.
As we walked along, I took several shots of forlorn trees, looking for a shot like this.
As the snow melts, dormant plants once again see the sun. In a few weeks, this area will be lush with growth as the cycle of life revolves.
Everywhere there were interesting shapes in the ice. These delicate fragments were quickly melting in the muted sunlight.
After some time searching, I found this grouping that was nicely lit and isolated.
The sun would occasionally emerge from the clouds as we walked along the trail. Here, I was fortunate that it lit the way forward through the gloom of the trees.
At the furthest extent of our journey we found a lovely sweep of road and fence. With little surrounding foliage, the sun had already melted most of the snow.
The long walk back to the cars late in the afternoon. By this point, the overcast sky had cleared and only thin wisps of clouds remained.